Friday, January 27, 2017

Scholar Parent Night

I am so incredibly proud of everyone as I was able to see you not only help me present the Shakespeare class to our school but in your other classes as well.

Now the suspense is over and everyone knows that indeed we are performing Love Labour's Lost this spring!!!  Now it is time to read and/or watch the play, decide which part you would like to audition for,

and prepare a memorized piece.  You need to bring your audition sheet along with a signed contract (which I will email to all of you) this next Thursday.  I am very excited!  Please, do not be too nervous as we are here to support you and just hope that you take the time to prepare yourselves accordingly.

-Queen Leiloni


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Actor's Training Hath Begun!

We have now begun actor's training.  In actor's training, it is important to be respectful to everyone and feel that we are in a safe environment to be ourselves as well as how to act like other characters.  
This week all of the papers, vocabulary words, set piece memorizations and iambic pentameter poems are due.  In order to complete the ten steps this year, everything that we worked on this semester must be turned in this Thursday.

Also, this week we will have a toga party during 4th hour to celebrate the completion of Julius Caesar.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Friends, Roman, Countrymen, Lend me Your Ears

Today in Shakespeare conquest we finished up our discussion on Julius Caesar.  For completing such a feat, on January 19th, the last day of the semester, we will have a toga party the second hour of class. Feel free to bring a toga to wear and snacks and games will be provided.

Reina was able to pass off her set-piece today!  Everyone else who has not passed off this requirement has until the 19th to do so.  This is also when all papers, vocabulary lists, iambic pentameters, and plays are due.

We have also begun our actor's training in order to prepare for our Shakespeare play.  The play will be announced on January 26ath at the parent night.  We will also be looking for parents to sign up for which role they would like in producing this play.

I am so excited to get ready for the new semester.

Queen Leiloni