Friday, November 4, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Mairen, King Gabe, King Zachary, Queen Hannah, and Queen Paige,

This week we had a really busy class!  We played an improv game, discussed Julius Caesar (it may have gotten a little political), learned about simile and metaphors (Everything at Once), and heard from Tillie and Zachery as they presented their Elizabethan topic.  We also had the honor of coronating Queen Paige!  Hannah was also able to pass off her memorization of the set piece!
This week's homework is to read Julius Caesar Act III, Scene 3.  This scene is super short so use your spare time to memorize the set piece or to catch up on papers.  This week's paper is: "When you do something wrong, what kind of emotions do ou experience?  Do these emotions affect your actions?  If so, how?"

Keep up the hard work!

Queen Leiloni

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