Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Page, Queen Hannah, King Zachary, and Queen Mairen:

Even though we had a shorter class time today, we were able to each have a chance to sit down and talk (let me know if you need help with anything else).  We also finally finished watching Julius Caesar.  Next, Ethan Day presented about the different social classes in Shakespeare's time.  He illustrated this by having three different levels of tables with three different cakes.  The upper class had the best table and the fanciest looking cake, the middle class had a medium sized table and a slightly less fancy cake and the lower class sat on the floor.  It was really interesting and a lot of fun!

We were able to finish out with Leila and Tillie passing of their set pieces!

I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and had a chance to work on their 10 steps (which are due January 19th).

Queen Leiloni

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Mairen, King Gabe, King Zachary, Queen Hannah and Queen Page:

This week each of you needs to finish reading Julius Caesar.  When you are finished, you need to write a summary of the entire play and turn it in.  This is one of the ten steps.

This week we will finally finish watching the Julius Caesar play, discuss the entire play and learn about how Shakespeare focused on the characters of the play.  We will be hearing from Ethan Day with his presentation on The Ruling Class.

Please be working on your steps.  Remember, we will be considering how hard you worked on your steps when we cast for the play next semester.

Queen Leiloni

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Mairen, King Gabe, King Zachary, Queen Hannah, and Queen Paige:

This last week we discussed the differences and similarities of Brutus and Cassius.  We also had a spooky and enlightening presentation given by Lucy.

For homework, please read Act V, Scenes 1-3 of Julius Caesar and write a paper about whether or not Anthony is a good friend.  Please explain why he is or he isn't.

This Thursday we will try and watch more of the play with a special treat to hopefully make it a little more fun.

Queen Leiloni

Friday, November 18, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Mairen, King Gabe, King Zachary, Queen Hannah and Queen Paige:

First off, I must apologize.  I put the wrong reading assignment and paper assignment in last week's blog.  This week please just make sure that you have read up through Act IV Scene 3.  We will be discussing scene 3 in class.  The writing assignment is about Mob Rule.  If you already turned that in, please write the paper comparing Brutus and Cassius.  If you have any questions, please email me.  I am sorry for any confusion.

After discussing some of the disrespectful behavior from the previous week, everything seemed to go very well yesterday.  Please keep being respectful of those who are talking or leading discussions in class and we will continue to have time for more fun drama games as well.

There is no class this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Please make sure to use the extra time to work on your ten steps or to finish plays if you are wanting to be crowned.  Paige was able to pass off her set-piece this week!  Now let's see how many people will be ready when we return.

Queen Leiloni

P.S. Thank you, Madison for your interesting and thorough presentation on animals in Shakespeare time!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Here ye, here ye!

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Mairen, King Gabe, King Zachary, Queen Hannah, and Queen Paige,

As a special announcement and reminder: please put Scholar Parent Night on your calendar for the evening of January 26th.  This is one of the ten steps for the scholars of Shakespeare Conquest.  We will present a small sketch, share some of what we learned during the first semester, and announce the spring play!

This week we discussed the play Julius Caesar, watched some of it, played some fun getting to know you game, enjoyed Reina's presentation and learned about set pieces and soliloquies.  Speaking of set pieces, we had two more students pass off their memorization of our set piece: Lucy and Ethan!  Lucy also shared with us the visual aid that she made to help her memorize the piece.

This week's assignments are to read Act IV, Scene 3 of Julius Caesar and write the paper on, "Mob Rule. Does this ever happen today?  Can anything good come from it?"  Wow, what an applicable paper due to the current events that are happening in our country right now.  What a great discussion for each family to have at home!

Please keep working on your ten steps and crowning requirements and I look forward to seeing you in class this week!

Queen Leiloni

Friday, November 4, 2016

Is this still stuck in your head?

How many similes can you find?

Dear my loyal subjects, Queen Mairen, King Gabe, King Zachary, Queen Hannah, and Queen Paige,

This week we had a really busy class!  We played an improv game, discussed Julius Caesar (it may have gotten a little political), learned about simile and metaphors (Everything at Once), and heard from Tillie and Zachery as they presented their Elizabethan topic.  We also had the honor of coronating Queen Paige!  Hannah was also able to pass off her memorization of the set piece!
This week's homework is to read Julius Caesar Act III, Scene 3.  This scene is super short so use your spare time to memorize the set piece or to catch up on papers.  This week's paper is: "When you do something wrong, what kind of emotions do ou experience?  Do these emotions affect your actions?  If so, how?"

Keep up the hard work!

Queen Leiloni

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects, King Gabe, Queen Mairen, King Zachary, and Queen Hannah:

This week's assignment is to read Act III, Scenes 1-2 of Julius Caesar and the writing assignment is:
"What is superstition?  Does it play a part in your life? Explain."  Remember, that if superstition does not play a part in your life, you can write about an example from literature or from someone that you know.  The bonus question is: "What is a soothsayer?" or "Who was Cato?"

Last week, some of us were able to take a field trip and see the Seattle Shakespeare Company's Romeo and Juliet.  After the play, we were able to ask questions about how they memorized so many lines.  One actor stated that he uses muscle memory and moves a certain part of his body while memorizing certain parts.  Whatever method it is that you use, please be working on your set piece.  We will be taking into consideration how well scholars finish this assignment as well as others when casting the play next semester.

Keep calm and finish one step at a time.

Queen Leiloni

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects as well as King Gabe, Queen Mairen, King Zachery, and Queen Hannah:

Last week we had the great honor of crowning Hannah as Queen of Shakespeare.  We also discussed poetry, prose, verse, Iambic pentameter, and the play, Julius Caesar.  Then we had a little fun playing, "The Bible or Shakespeare."  

Before class on Thursday, please read Julius Caesar: Act II, Scenes 3-4.  This is only about three pages so I expect that everyone will read it this week.  The writing assignment is: "List all the characters introduced so far in the play and how they are related to Caesar."  This does not mean related as in family, it means how do they know Caesar or who are they in the play.  You can write this as a paper or make a graph or diagram.  The bonus question is: "What does the 'Ides of March' mean?"

I am pleased to announce that the first person to memorize the set piece this year was Gabe Poyer!!!  Who will be next?

Queen Leiloni 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Iambic Pentameter

In case you have more questions about what an iambic pentameter is.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects as well as King Gabe, Queen Mairen, and King Zachery:

Today in class we discussed Julius Caesar, Iambic Pentameter, played some drama games and crowned Zachery!

This week everyone needs to read Act II Scene 2 of Julius Caesar and write a paper on: "Have you or anyone you know of ever made a decision that could ultimately lead to your destruction or theirs?  What kinds of decisions can lead to destruction?"  The bonus question is: "What is the Feast of Lupercal?"

I am wondering who will be the first one to memorize the set piece this year!!!

Queen Leiloni

Friday, October 7, 2016

Dear my loyal subjects as well as King Gabe and Queen Mairen:

This week we met Teacher Gina (who will be joining us as Assistant Mentor next semester).  We also played an impromptu game that helped us learn to think on our feet, had a lecture on the difference of poetry and prose, and discussed Act 1, Scene 3 of Julius Caesar.
Everyone needs to read Act 2, Scene 1 this week and finish the writing assignment which is:
"What is the difference between acting and reacting?  Give two examples." 
The bonus question is: "When was Julius Caesar's date of birth and when did he die?"  This needs to be written out in order to get a prize.  Please also work on your set piece.  Anyone who has the first eight line memorized will also get a treat. 
I am looking forward to crowning some more kings and queens in the future!  Keep working on your plays and remember whoever finishes the most plays overall, wins a special prize!!!

I look forward to seeing all of you next Thursday,

Queen Leiloni

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Elizabethan Times Presentations Schedule:

October 6th - Gabriel - All In  Day's Work - professions of the times

October 13th - Leila - Myths, legends, and mysteries

October 19th - Hannah - War of the Roses

October 27th - Zach - Weapons

November 3rd - Tillie - What the heck is a fork?  Food and dining cutoms

November 10th - Reina - Witches, fairs and things that go bump in the night

November 17th - Madison - Mysticism and animals

December 1st - Lucy - Death, burial and ghosts

December 8th - Ethan H. - Of with his head!  Unemployment, crime, and punishment

December 15th - Ethan D. - The ruling class

January 5th - Spencer - Mental illness and retardation

January 12th - Taylor - God, religion, and superstition

January 19th - Paige - What did people wear?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

And that's a wrap!

The play was so amazing and I am so glad that I was able to work with such a great co-mentor and with very excellent scholars!  Please return any of the costumes that you have borrowed tomorrow.  Also, please let me know who is going to the field trip that was for those who finished their ten steps.  The list of people who have now officially finished their steps is:

Also, please check out this amazing magazine that the Nija Scholar class put together about Shakespeare:

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Who wants a ROOT BEER float?!?!

We really need to work on our lines!!! Shannon Hayes has graciously offered to treat anyone who has all of their lines memorized on Monday (without saying "line"), a root beer float!  She will also be there to run lines with people.  So if you have all of your lines memorized, she will treat you and if you don't, then she is taking you away to run lines when you are not on stage!  

It is all up to you!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Less Than Two Weeks Left

We have less than two weeks left until our big production!
Tomorrow is rehearsal!
Our Thursday rehearsal this week does begin at 12:30 (shorter lunch) and go until 3:00pm.

Here is the rehearsal schedule that we have left:

May 3rd - Tuesday Rehearsal - 11am-2pm - Whole Play


May 5th - School day Rehearsal - 12:30 - 3:00 - Whole Play


May 9th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal Whole Play


May 10th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal Whole Play


May 11th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal Whole Play


May 12th - Tech Week - 11am-2:45pm - Rehearsal - Dry Run Through of Blocking Only


May 13th - 2pm - 8pm - Dress Rehearsal and Evening Performance (performance at 6pm)


May 14th - 10am - 8pm - Two performances (performances at 12 and 5pm)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Break Rehearsal

Spring break rehearsal will be held at Teacher Genne's house at 12:30-3:00 pm on April 7th.  Please be on time and ready to work so that we have some time to go over costumes.  (email me if you need the address)

***Also, remember to have all of your line memorized!!!***

Here is the rest of the rehearsal schedule for April:

April 7th - Spring Break - 12:30 - 3:00 - Rehearsal - Whole Play and Costumes


April 12th - Tuesday Rehearsal 11am-2pm  - Whole Play and Costumes


April 14th - School day 12:30 - 3:00 - Rehearsal - Whole Play


April 21st - School day Rehearsal - 12:30 - 3:00 - Whole Play


April 26th - Tuesday Rehearsal 11am-2pm  - Whole Play


April 28th - School day Rehearsal - 12:30 - 3:00 - Whole Play

Parents please take note that the Tuesday rehearsals are a great day to work on sets, costumes and other responsibilities.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Practice Makes Perfect

This week we rehearsed Act IV and then next week we will rehearse Act V during co-op.

I am pleased to say that everyone was so focused the last couple of rehearsals and things are looking good!

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Today we did actor's training on improvisation and then ran through the blocking for Act III.  
This week, everyone needs to work on memorizing lines.  Bring your script with you everywhere you go and work on your part!  
Next week we will do some more actor's training as well as run through blocking for Act IV.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

And so it begins. . .

Today we had our first rehearsal and everyone was very focused and working hard!  I did see some of the scholars who were not writing down their stage directions, however, and I do hope that when we do Act I again, that they will not be asking where it is that they are suppose to be going.  Next week we will be rehearsing Act II. 

Also, next week please bring any costumes pieces that you have at home so that Sage and I can look over them.  Bring them to the fellowship hall before school begins on Thursday. 
We will also be starting class fifteen minutes early in order to learn our dance for the sock hop.

Thanks for all of your hard work!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Let the Rehearsals Begin!

Rehearsals begin this week!  Now, what does that mean?  It means that every Shakespeare scholar must show up to class with their binder, script and pencils.  It means that immediately after lunch, we must come to class focused and ready to work.  If we cannot come to class and get right to work, then we will stretch rehearsals into lunch time.  If you do not have a pencil, you can "buy" one from Teacher Leiloni.  "Buying" a pencil can be done through sweeping the stage, running errands for the teachers or other cleaning or working jobs.  

We are not done with actor's training yet so that means that we must come to class and start actor's training right away so that we have time to get through the entire act that we have scheduled for the day.


March 3rd - Actor's Training Week 9, Rehearsal - Act I


March 10th - Actor's Training Week 10, Rehearsal - Act II


March 17th - Actor's Training Week 11, Rehearsal - Act III


March 24th - Actor's Training Week 12, Rehearsal - Act IV


March 31st - Warm-Up, Rehearsal - Act V



April 7th - Spring Break - 12:30 - 3:00 - Rehearsal - Act I


April 12th - Tuesday Rehearsal 11am-2pm  - Whole Play


April 14th - School day 12:30 - 3:00 - Rehearsal - Act II


April 21st - School day Rehearsal - 12:30 - 3:00 - Act III


April 26th - Tuesday Rehearsal 11am-2pm  - Whole Play


April 28th - School day Rehearsal - 12:30 - 3:00 - Act IV


May 3rd - Tuesday Rehearsal - 11am-2pm - Whole Play


May 5th - School day Rehearsal - 12:30 - 3:00 - Act V


May 9th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal Whole Play


May 10th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal Whole Play


May 11th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal Whole Play


May 12th - Tech Week - 11am-2pm - Rehearsal - Dry Run Through of Blocking Only


May 13th - 2pm (possibly earlier) - 8pm - Dress Rehearsal and Evening Performance


May 14th - 10am - 8pm - Two performances


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Be Prepared

Please make sure to remember to read Acts 4 and 5 of Much Ado About Nothing.

Bring your script, Shakespeare binder and pencil to class tomorrow.

Rehearsals begin next week!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Costume Board

Sorry I'm so late getting this up! Here's the link for the Much Ado inspiration board on pinterest:

-Queen Sage

Monday, February 15, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

CASTING of Much Ado About Nothing

Here is the casting thus far:

Beatrice - Emma

Benedick - Adam 

Hero - Zoe

Antonia - Taylor

Leonata - Hannah

Don Pedro - Archie

Claudio - Zachery

Don John - Chandler

Dogberry - Kaleigh

Ursula - Eliana

Messenger #1 - Sienna

Verge - Sienna

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Auditions and a Script!

Today, not only did we hold auditions for the play but we handed out scripts.  Everyone must treat these scripts as though they are sacred throughout the play!  Bring it with you everywhere and read it, read it, read it, but do not loose it.  Bring a pencil to every class so that you can write in your scripts.  Punch holes in the script.  If you do not have a folder or a binder to put it in, I will bring them next week.  

The reading assignment for this week is to read Acts 1 and 2 in your Much Ado About Nothing script before next week.  If you want to use a version that has notes to help you understand, that is up to you.  We will discuss these in class next week.  We all want to put on a great play and part of that is truly understanding the play that we are performing.  

Next week, we will also be announcing the parts that everyone will perform for the play.  This is going to be a very tough decision!  

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Coronation News Presents

We were able to celebrate the coronation of Queen Zoe of Shakespeare this last Thursday!

Why Acting?

 "The arts make sense to students because the arts allow them to connect with topics, issues, ideas on a greater level of understanding. The arts help students internalize and process their world." (Cynthia Chesak, Tukwila School District.)

Friday, January 29, 2016


We are now starting our second semester of Shakespeare and that means (drumroll, please!) .................................................AUDITIONS!!!

In case you couldn't tell, I'm pretty excited :) We will hold these next Thursday (Feb 4th) in class, and each student will have the opportunity to audition for the character they would like to play in the spring performance. 

Here's how it will go. Leiloni and I will go into one of the rooms off the stage and call you in one at a time. We will ask you to perform your audition piece, and then we'll ask you a few questions about why you want the character, how big of a role you'd be comfortable with, etc. 

Your audition piece can be a variety of things, such as:

- A monologue by the character you're auditioning for.
- A monologue that shows off your acting skills (doesn't have to be by the character you're auditioning for).
- A piece of dialogue by your character. 
Any piece you choose should be memorized. If you go the monologue route, the monologue does not have to be super long. However, it should be longer than a couple of lines. If you choose to perform dialogue, Leiloni and I can help you out and read the other parts in the piece. 

You also need to have read Much Ado About Nothing by Thursday, and preferably have at least read a summary before you figure out which character you're going to audition for. 

As we get into auditions, it is important to remember that we're all here to learn, grow, and have fun. Leiloni and I will choose parts based on more than just your audition. You may get a part that is bigger, smaller, or a different type of character than you expected. Whatever role you do get, make it the best for you! We are SO excited to see you nail it!

See you at auditions,

Queen Sage



We are now starting our second semester of Shakespeare and that means (drumroll, please!) .................................................AUDITIONS!!!

We will hold these next Thursday (Feb 4th) in class, and each student will have the opportunity to audition for the character they would like to play in the spring performance. 

Here's how it will go. Leiloni and I will go into one of the rooms off the stage and call you in one at a time. We will ask you to perform your audition piece, and then we'll ask you a few questions about why you want the character, how big of a role you'd be comfortable with, etc. 

Your audition piece can be a variety of things, such as:

- A monologue by the character you're auditioning for.
- A monologue that shows off your acting skills (doesn't have to be by the character you're auditioning for).
- A piece of dialogue by your character. 
Any piece you choose should be memorized. If you go the monologue route, the monologue does not have to be super long. However, it should be longer than a couple of lines. If you choose to perform dialogue, Leiloni and I can help you out and read the other parts in the piece. 

You also need to have read Much Ado About Nothing by Thursday, and preferably have at least read a summary before you figure out which character you're going to audition for. 

As we get into auditions, it is important to remember that we're all here to learn, grow, and have fun. Leiloni and I will choose parts based on more than just your audition. You may get a part that is bigger, smaller, or a different type of character than you expected. Whatever role you do get, make it the best for you! We are SO excited to see you nail it!

See you at auditions,


Friday, January 22, 2016

The Play is the Thing

I am super excited after Parent Night last night.  It was an honor to be among such great scholars and mentors.  Of course, for a lot of us, one of the most exciting parts was the announcement of the play.  This spring FILA Shakespeare Conquest class will be performing: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING!  We will have scripts and the rehearsal schedule out to you soon but before then, scholars can begin looking at the parts and think about who they would like to audition for.

As for class yesterday, we had some actor's training followed by a wonderful (and delicious) presentation from Chandler about Elizabethan food.  We were also honored in crowning Adam as King of Shakespeare!




Tuesday, January 19, 2016

King Chandler has Spoken and a Queen has Arrived

This last week we were able to continue on with actor's training and preparing for scholar parent night.  Scholar parent night is this Thursday at 6pm.  Please wear your crowns (and other Shakespearean clothes if you wish).  The scholars will be showing off their crowns, parts of presentations and have an entertaining treat to share as well.  Each family needs to bring a main dish and a side dish.  
During class, we also crowned King Chandler and Queen Eliana!  King Chandler has a presentation this next week and he wants each person to bring their own spoon and knife as it was Elizabethan culture, to bring your own utensils to a dinner.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Welcome Back Lads and Ladies!

Today we officially began actor's training.  We are also finishing up the ten steps.  All ten step requirements must be finished by January 21st which is also scholar parent night.  For homework, everyone who wants to be in the skit for parent night, must bring a well known Shakespearean quote as well as a back up (in case someone chooses the same one).  We also were able to witness the crowning of King Zachery of Shakespeare during class today.  Huzzah! Huzzah!  Huzzah!